We are working on a Comet 走 series for the summer. 一定要 sign up for our newsletter 浏览即将举行的社区教育活动. | |
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Upcoming Comet 走s
03/25/24 纳瓦霍大桥:挑战大自然对交通的障碍 with Tom Martin (Comet Talk)
02/05/24 探索野火科技的狂野新世界 with Ariel Strong (Comet Talk)
01/29/24 Archeology of the South Pacific with 达德利加德纳 (Comet Talk)
12/04/23 从巴克穆特回来了 怀亚特·约翰逊和马修·赫尔南多(《威尼斯安卓版》)
11/06/23 Our Scientific View of the World 和杜安·雷 (Comet Talk)
10/23/23 1857年的犹他战争 with 达德利加德纳 (Comet Talk)
10/16/23与Melissa Sevigny一起勇敢地面对狂野的河流(Comet Talk)
10/02/23南极洲-冰河时代大陆与Wayne Ranney (Comet Talk)
09/18/23 Adventures of a Toledo Steam Car with Brian Blue (Comet Talk)
07/26/23 Memorial Plaques of Navajo Bridge with Kern Nuttall (Comet Talk)
04/24/23 Shakespeare and Kabuki with Matthew 赫南多 (Comet Talk)
03/28/23 Through the Lens of Time with John Vankat (Comet Talk)
03/20/23 Stagecoach Stations with 达德利加德纳 (Comet Talk)
01/30/23 Black Mesa and Lake Powell Railroad, Presented by Al Richmond
11/07/22 弗里蒙特粮仓的挖掘和修复 with 达德利加德纳 (Comet Talk)
10/11/22 Engage in the Legislative Process with Avery Xola (Comet Talk)
9/28/22 The Greatest Game Ever Played with Matthew 赫南多 (Comet Talk)
6/23/22 James Webb Space Telescope 与Duane Ray(2022夏季学习系列)
6/22/22 精神健康 & 自我保健 与Kathy Farretta合作(2022夏季学习系列)
6/16/22 Open Water Swimming 与Mitch Driebe(2022夏季学习系列)
6/15/22 The Civil War in Arizona 与Kathy Farretta合作(2022夏季学习系列)
6/14/22 班克斯涂鸦 与Duane Ray(2022夏季学习系列)
6/13/22 Making of HOPI R2: Art & 工程 与Samantha Honanie, Duane Koyawena和Joe Mastroianni(2022夏季学习系列)
6/13/22 讲故事 与拉里·亨德里克斯(2022年暑期学习系列)
4/28/22 骑自行车101 with Kim Austin and Martin Ince
4/5/22 易:生活 & 活力 和杜安·雷
3/2/22 You Are What You Eat 博士. 安德里亚·哈伯德
2/23/22 The Lived Black Experience 与哈拉之家
2/9/22 1885年中国大屠杀的考古证据 with 达德利加德纳
1/20/22 Charlie Brown's America 博士. 布莱克·斯科特·鲍尔
11/17/21我们说话的方式,由聋人专家Kimberly Minard介绍
10/21/21 Prehistoric Ways of Life,由访问学者达德利·加德纳主持
10/6/21 抗癌的生活,由北亚利桑那癌症支持社区执行主任Cindy Payne介绍
9/14/21 The Wonder of Weather,由NAU助理研究教授Michael Erb主持
4/22/21 Self Hypnosis for Anxiety,由临床催眠治疗师和认证医疗支持专家Craig Meriwether介绍
4/6/21 Shakespeare and Gender,由弗拉格斯塔夫莎士比亚节执行董事道恩·塔克主持
2/25/21 Funding our Future; Financial Wellness for Millennials, Gen Z, and Beyond,由注册理财导师Ashlee Binderim主持
2/11/21 The Science of Hacking Your Brain,由临床催眠治疗师和认证医疗支持专家Craig Meriwether介绍
1/25/21 大缪斯,用艺术探索大峡谷,由CCC视觉艺术领导教师和美术策展人Alan Petersen主持
12/08/20 The Art of Science: Behind the Scenes of 干渴:西南地区的水艺术 由Julie Comnick和Jane Marks主持
12/02/20 保存和保护:考古学在国家公园中的作用 presented by Amy Schott, 博士学位, 格伦峡谷国家游乐区和彩虹桥国家纪念碑的首席考古学家
11/03/20 尽我们的一份力量:维护北亚利桑那生态系统, presented by Ken Hyde
10/06/20 了解无家可归:社区讲座, Presented by Ross Altenbaugh
9/01/20 最糟糕的情况:亚利桑那州北部的荒野生存, presented by Shawn Nittman
3/10/20 有多远:奈特·怀特与我们夜空的神话与事实
2/25/20 与达德利·加德纳一起探索科罗拉多高原的独特考古
2/10/20 《威尼斯安卓版》,与艾伦·卡特赖特的美国手语友好对话
2/04/20 在新的一年里与EVOLVE Flagstaff一起健康和健康
12/09/19 - 假日健康:通过自我照顾培养整体性 , Presented by Kate Carey
19/04/12 -纳瓦霍山脉徒步旅行-一个照片杂志,由乔治·哈登呈现
1/12/19 - 文化挪用:关于所有权和欣赏的对话 , Presented by Samantha Honanie
11/12/19 - 回顾纳瓦霍发电站 , Presented by NGS Employees
10/22/19 - 横贯大陆铁路的完成:建造它的人 , Presented by 达德利加德纳
10/18/19 - 弗拉格斯塔夫墨西哥流动领事馆 ,由Jorge Mendoza Yescas阁下主持
10/18/19 - 挑战刻板印象:我的工程之旅 , Presented by Genevieve Bennally
09/09/19 - American Political Tribalism ,由博士主持. 马修·J. 赫南多
06/10/19 - Never Thought You Could Do Comedy? , Presented by Joe Maniglia
05/01/19 - Rock Around Around The Pacific Rim ,由博士主持. 达德利加德纳
04/16/19 - 新西兰考古学:“史前/历史遗址” ,由博士主持. 达德利加德纳
04/12/19 - Consulado Movil Mexicano , Presented in Spanish
04/08/19 - 弗拉格斯塔夫经济活力部门更新 ,由Trace Ward, Heidi Hansen, Dave mcintyre, Barney Helmick主持 & 盖尔·杰克逊
03/11/19 - The Great Family Secret: "Harry Houdini" , Presented by George Hardeen
03/11/19 - 美国内战:“石墙杰克逊故事” , Presented by Scott Walmer
02/14/19 - 火山之夜 , Presented by Kurt Yuengling
01/14/19 - After the Navy: A Story of Homecoming , Presented by Kevin Scholler
12/10/18 - The Great Santa Claus Bank Robbery , Presented by Billy Smith
11/14/18 - 部落和未能让退伍军人回家 ,由Joe Bulls和Aaron Rizzieri主持
10/26/18 - Consulado Movil Mexicano ,由墨西哥驻凤凰城领事馆代表介绍
10/08/18 - 第四街与登月计划的联系 , Presented by Kevin Schindler - Video
09/10/18 - Symbolism of El Camino de Santiago , Presented by Larry Hendricks & 特雷弗威尔克
08/13/18 - 疯狂蘑菇 , Presented by Rachel Edelstein - Video
07/16/18 - Computers Through the Centuries ,由博士主持. 冈萨洛·佩雷斯
07/09/18 - Meet the Bugs In Your Compost , Presented by Melinda McKinney - Video
06/11/18 - Voice, Fingerprints, and Eye Scans ,由博士主持. 冈萨洛·佩雷斯
06/07/18 - The American Civil War , Presented by Scott Walmer
05/14/18 - Todos森 , Presented by Breanna Velasco - Video
04/09/18 - Fiji: Paradise of Many Cultures , Presented by Lisa Doskocil - Video
03/29/18 - 快马邮递 , Presented by David Ramos - Video
03/12/18 - 吃饭的故事 , Presented by Derik Yellowhair